
ASICS, the parents’ association for Camille See’s International Section


ASICS works alongside other parent associations in the French education system to:

  • promote understanding of the section in France and beyond, including answering questions from prospective parents on application procedures and school life
  • support the educational experience of the students
  • represent the interests of students and parents in discussions with the school
  • fund or support extra-curricular activities including a debate club, Model United Nations, Poetry by Heart competition, International History Bee & Bowl, movie nights, guest lectures and welcome events for new families.

Camille See’s British International Section was established in 2011 and has seven classes from 6è up to Terminale with a great teaching team that works to prepare students for the International Option Baccalaureate (OIB). For further information on the bilingual programme, student profile, entrance tests and other matters, see the FAQ page.

Download the flyer about ASICS here: ASICS-Intro

For more information about the Camille Sée English International Section visit the school’s website.