ASICS is supporting a joint event with Message, AAWE, APESA (Balzac):
Mon 4 June, 18.30-21h
British Council building, 9 Rue de Constantine, 75007 Paris
Dr Anna-Louise Milne, faculty member of ULIP (University of London in Paris) will be giving an insider’s view of what UK universities expect from applications.
The event is open to 1er students interested in studying in UK and whose parents are members of ASICS (or one of the other organisations behind the event: Message, AAWE)
Students currently in 2nde are welcome to sign up and will be placed on waiting list – although priority is for 1ère students applying in the coming school year.
Sign up to the event here: (registration opens Friday 11th May @ 21h)
Sign up for ASICS membership too for 2018-2019 here
Three options: €25 minimum, €40 recommended amount, €60 donation greatly appreciated!
We hope this event will be helpful in guiding your future university choices.
please register here
slides of the presentation video of the presentation
The results of the 2024-2025 applications will be available on the following dates: June 14…
The parents associations of the "Section Internationale Britannique" (SIB) of Collège Camille Sée/ASICS, Collège Voltaire/ASIBRAVO …