
Located in the heart of the 15th arrondissement of Paris, the International Section (IS) at Cité Scolaire Camille Sée offers tuition free native English language instruction to bilingual students in a public, French middle (collège) and high school (lycée) setting. Created in 2011, there are seven classes – one in each year from 6ème up to Terminale. The IS prepares students for the Baccalauréat Français International (BFI).
The International Section at Cité Scolaire Camille Sée is part of the French state school system and so there are no tuition fees. That said, families do pay for minor costs of the novels studied in the year and the outings here and there.

Category: Introduction

An International Section is an optional curriculum available in five Parisian state schools: Camille Sée in the 15th arrondissement (south west), Montaigne in the 6th arrondissement (central – currently collège only), Voltaire (first year admissions 6ème in 2021), Balzac in the 17th arrondissement (north west) and Maurice Ravel in the 20th arrondissement (east). It offers a tuition-free bilingual education to English speaking pupils with 6-8 hours of English language and literature per week and up to four hours of history and geography in English.

Category: Introduction

Yes! You may attend the annual Open House, which will take place on February 3, 2024. Faculty, administration, parents, and current students are on hand to present the International Section and answer questions. No registration is necessary. We encourage you and your child to attend!

Category: Introduction

Unfortunately, owing to the Section Coordinator’s teaching commitments (which straddle both college and lycée) and supervision of the application assessments, she is unable to schedule any appointments with families outside the school. Attending the Open House is a great opportunity to meet the Coordinator and ask your questions. You can also contact parents with children in the International Section by e-mailing CamilleSeeEnglishSection@gmail.com. This is the email address of the parent delegates for the International Section who are happy to help answer any questions.

Category: Introduction

Camille Sée is located at 11, rue Léon Lhermitte, 75015 Paris. It is metro accessible via lines 6 (Cambronne), 8 (Commerce), and 12 (Vaugirard). Buses 39, 70, 80, and 88 are all within a block of the school.

Category: Introduction

Any other questions? Contact us at camilleseeenglishsection@gmail.com